
Unfortunately, Löwi was not declared healthy today. There was another injection in the knee and another 4 weeks of rest 😭😭😭Poor Löwi 🥺
But the inflamed joint looked much better and he is walking and running much better. But it's not quite good yet. According to the vet, he thought for sure that he would be healthy in 4 weeks So yes, let's hope for that then. 

2 kommentarer

Hej Sara, börjar bli orolig för dig! Ett livstecken vore väldigt trevligt!


Nu har hon somnat igen.
Skriv och håll oss nyfikna stackare informerade om ditt livs med- och motgångar.
PS. Hoppas Löwi blivit bättre.

Svar: ber om ursäkt, ska ta sats å skriva snart igen 😅
Sara Rygaard